2018, 06/15 09:37 (2438day) Posted
| 2433day Updated
- Pen pressure function is now available in MacOS Chrome.
In the latest Mac OS X environment, pen pressure added-ons are no longer available in Safari,
Please use Chrome. You can use the pen pressure function without the need for add-ons.
- Window movement and dragging on pen tabs and liquid tabs is now smoother.
In Windows Vista/10 and later, when using a pen tab or liquid tab, you had to click the pen button to move the window, but now you can move it smoothly just like using a mouse.
*Chrome v67 is waiting for bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with the preview function <br>Fixed an issue where the preview of layer move and copy functions was distorted when the preview window was open.
-Fixed a bug with the pen tab in Chrome v67
Chrome v67 had a bug where pointerup did not fire, which caused issues such as the pen not stopping drawing on Windows Vista/10 and later, but this has been improved to avoid it.
- Image stabilization is now available on the smartphone web version.
- Pen pressure can now be used when using the smartphone web version with Apple Pencil.
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