2018, 03/27 02:39 (2490day) Posted | 2490day Updated
- Added "Omikuji Scratch" function <br>Obtain "Omikuji Scratch Ticket" from Kukupo in advance,
If you post "/scratch your name" or "/scratch" (if anonymous) in the comment section,
You can treat everyone who watches your stream to a scratch-off.

Omikuji scratch tickets can be obtained from below.

- Added HTML5 version player of Time Shift
Due to the HLS standard, there is no advantage to using it at the moment, as the delay is greater than the Flash version.
You can switch from the URL below.

・We have strengthened the time shift recording line. We have improved the problem where recorded data is interrupted during busy hours.

・WMV version distribution has been abolished <br>We have determined that all distributors have finished transitioning to the FLV version, and have abolished the WMV version distribution function.

-Improved Coffret
Administrator privileges are no longer required when upgrading IE component versions.

・Voice comments are back
It has been revived with a specification that does not use Flash.

Automatically Translated. (Show original) ツイート

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