2018, 03/20 04:51 (2498day) Posted | 2498day Updated
From around 11pm on March 19th, the connection to the kukulu site became unstable.
There were some issues with kukuluLIVE, such as some functions not working properly.
As of 8:00 a.m. on March 20th, the service has returned to normal operation.

This was due to a load failure on the line side, but due to the mechanism, there is a risk that it will occur again even if the switch is made.
We have introduced the following countermeasures.

- Introduced CDN between users and servers to improve connectivity and stability during busy hours.
・Switched the server line to a faster one.
- Changed the connection between the server and CDN from IPv4 to IPv6 to improve speed and stability.
(IPv4 can be used as is by tunneling between the user and CDN)

*The high load this time was on the web processing system, and the streaming (distributed video processing system) has already completed clustering and IPv6 tunneling, so no problems have occurred.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the failure and maintenance work for a long time.

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