2023, 10/21 01:23 (450day) Posted | 450day Updated
The low image quality mode has been improved to the following specifications.

・Constant encoding (server side encoding)
・Average bit rate approximately 1Mbps (400Kbps ~ upper limit 1.5Mbps)
・Frame rate 30fps

The image quality has been improved to a level that allows you to see it without any discomfort compared to the previous low image quality mode.
Additionally, all streams are encoded all the time, eliminating the need for encoder startup time.

This new low quality mode has been changed to the default mode when viewing from smartphones and tablets.
(You can change to high-quality mode if you like.)

Please note that when using low image quality mode, the bandwidth consumption is approximately twice as much per hour.
The new low quality mode consumes 1GB for 2 hours of viewing.

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