We provide kukuluLIVE distribution list in PeerCastYP format.
You can also receive kukuluLIVE distribution notifications from the PeerCast tool you are already using by following the steps below.
*This is a feature for backward compatibility. Normally, please use the distribution notification tool provided by kukuluLIVE.
・When using PeCaRecorder 1. Open Options → General Settings.
2. Switch to the YP tab.
3. Press the [Add] button and enter "kukuluLIVE" in "Name" and "
http://kukulu.erinn.biz/yp/" in "URL".
4. Switch to the Player tab.
5. Check the "Open in web browser" checkbox.
・When using pcypLite 1. Open the Settings screen.
2. Press [+] and enter "kukuluLIVE" in "Name" and "
http://kukulu.erinn.biz/yp/" in "URL".
In addition to the above, it may be useful to configure the following settings.
1. Switch to the [Others] tab and press the [Add] button in Player Settings.
2. Enter "WEB" in "Extension".
3. Drag and drop the shortcut of your browser (Chrome, etc.) into the "File name" input field.
4. Enter "<contact/>" in "Argument" and press the [OK] button.